Arkansas Resources
Arkansas Quick Action Loan Program
Quick Action Loan Program Summary
Arkansas Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Up to $12 million in CDBG assistance will be made available for COVID19 relief and recovery. This money will be used to provide grants to eligible local governments with which to provide direct economic assistance in the form of loans to companies impacted by COVID19 and grants to clinics, hospitals and other non-profits who are working hard to provide care in rural Arkansas and to vulnerable populations such as the homeless. AEDC is undertaking necessary regulatory steps required by the federal government to implement this assistance. This page will be updated as more information becomes available.
Arkansas Small Business & Technology Development Center (ASBTDC)
Access their past events and webinars here
Signup for upcoming events and webinars here
Arkansas Secretary of State
Secretary of State Announces Temporary Waiver of Franchise Tax Late Fees and Interest Charges
Women’s Foundation of Arkansas Launches Assistance Fund For Women Owned Small Businesses
Arkansas Community Foundation Establishes Statewide COVID-19 Relief Fund
Additional State Resources and Information
Office of the Governor COVID-19 Information
Arkansas Economic Development Commission COVID-19 Resources
Arkansas Attorney General COVID-19 Resources, including Price Gouging Reporting
Supreme Court of Arkansas COVID-19 Response
Arkansas Governor Announces New Rules for Electronic Notary
Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce Coronavirus Resources
List of Arkansas County Closures
Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration Filing and Payment Deadlines as of 3/27/2020
Department of Arkansas Energy and the Environment Enforcement Guidelines in Response to COVID-19
Arkansas Department of Agriculture COVID-19 Resource Information
Arkansas Department of Health COVID-19 Guidance for Business and Industry Facilities
Arkansas Department of Health Guidance for Employers
Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) Emergency Order Regarding Licensing Requirements; Related: Governor’s Executive Order 20-06
Arkansas Environmental Federation (AEF) Request for Regulatory Flexibility to ADEQ
What Arkansas Businesses Are Doing To Alleviate COVID-19 (Arkansas State Chamber)
Arkansas Municipal League’s COVID-19 Resources for Municipalities
Arkansas Department of Education COVID-19 Information
Impact of COVID-19 On The Arkansas Economic Outlook (by Michael Pakko, an economist with the Arkansas Economic Development Institute)
Shared Work Unemployment Compensation Program
- Provides an alternative for employers faced with a reduction in their workforce
- Allows an employer to divide available work or hours of work among a specific group(s) of employees in lieu of a layoff
- Allows the employees to receive a portion of their unemployment benefits while working reduced hours